The only person less capable of serving as Treasurer than Nicole Manison, is Michael Gunner, Opposition Leader, Lia Finocchiaro said.

“In the wake of four years of relentless negative economic and fiscal management, it was prudent that the Treasurer lose her job,” Mrs Finocchiaro said.

“However, the only person less capable of being Treasurer in the Gunner Government is Michael Gunner himself.

“Today Territorians have been delivered yet another blow by Michael Gunner with a reshuffle that is going to mean further devastation to our economy in the future years.

“We’ve also seen the creation of mega departments. When Labor came to power in 2016, they created large departments, which have not been supported by Government to deliver on the outcomes needed.

“Now Labor have made even larger departments with our main economic drivers placed in a single megadepartment which will be directed by at least three separate ministers.

“This will cause confusion, overlap and uncertainty at a time when we need clarity and decisiveness. It also creates additional bureaucracy by increasing the number of ministries by approximately 50%.

“Demoting Natasha Fyles from the key Attorney General Justice portfolio shows that Michael Gunner was threatened by his best performing minister and prepared to act on his insecurity.

“Today’s reshuffle reinforces that the Gunner Government has no plan for the Territory and has not learnt anything from its mistakes over the last four years.

“As the Government continues to struggle, we will hold them to account at every turn as a strong Opposition,” Mrs Finocchiaro said.