Leader of the Opposition, Lia Finocchiaro, says the Chief Minister can no longer ignore the growing outrage from the community regarding youth crime after the peak body representing more than 99% of the Territory’s police force called on the Gunner Government to take immediate action.

The arrogance and ignorance of this government has been highlighted by the Northern Territory Police Association which slammed the Labor Government’s bail laws as “weak” and demanded “real action”.

“The public anger is palpable, Territory businesses are outraged, frustrated and dejected, and police have now ramped up calls for the Chief Minister to take action on youth crime.

“Half of all youths arrested last financial year were on bail, according to figures uncovered during the December Estimates process.

“What is it going to take for this Chief Minister to get his head out of the sand and urgently reverse the Territory’s weakened bail laws?

“Territorians are hurting. They’re desperate for real leadership, and we need to strengthen bail laws with a presumption against bail for repeat offenders and those arrested while already on bail, as a priority,” said Ms Finocchiaro.