Leader of the Opposition, Lia Finocchiaro, is questioning whether this Gunner Labor Government can manage any project after the revelation of a $14 million budget blow out during the construction of Garramilla Boulevard.

“The original tender for this project was $45 million and during the Estimates process it was revealed the final price tag was $59 million. This means the final construction cost was more than $14 million over the original tender.

“It’s still unclear whether the $14 million cost blow out includes the $432,000 ‘contract variation’ to move a bus stop from Cavanagh Street to Smith Street – and back again.

“The Estimates process also uncovered a $7 million overspend on the underground car park at State Square. The economic ignorance of Territory Labor is astonishing.

“This Gunner Labor Government has racked up an $8.4 billion net debt and is spending hand over fist, as if Treasury has access to an endless supply of funds.

“Under Labor, independent economists rated the Territory economy dead last for the eighth consecutive quarter in a row, according to CommSec’s State of the States report. It’s not hard to see why: economic mismanagement is a trademark of this Government, with no

plan to get us out of this budget black hole,” said Ms Finocchiaro.