The Shadow Minister for Women, Marie-Clare Boothby, says the Gunner Government has been forced to acknowledge the seriousness of the Member for Blain’s involvement in the scandal engulfing Labor and finally bowed to sustained pressure to refer the disgraced MLA to the Privileges Committee for investigation.

“Despite more than a fortnight of intense pressure, the weak Chief Minister has failed at every step to deny, acknowledge or investigate the disgraced Member for Blain over his involvement in the Labor cocaine sex scandal.

“That is why, today, I moved a motion to refer the Member for Blain to the Privileges Committee, which investigates serious breaches of Parliamentary standards, for what we believe amounts to deliberately misleading Parliament during his statement on Wednesday 17 February, 2021.

“The Gunner Labor Government had no other option but to agree to this investigation,” said Ms Boothby.