Leader of the Opposition, Lia Finocchiaro, says the failure of the Gunner Government to refer for investigation allegations of threats and intimidation by a Labor staffer towards the Member for Braitling, Joshua Burgoyne, is further proof of the toxic culture in the Chief

Minister’s office.

“Members of Parliament have to be able to speak freely and fiercely in their representation of Territorians. That is why it is a serious parliamentary, and potentially criminal, offence to intimidate or threaten a Member of the Legislative Assembly.

“In an arrogant move that holds the Parliament in contempt, the Gunner Labor Government rejected the referral of the matter for investigation by the Privileges Committee and used its numbers to shut debate down.

“This intimidating behaviour by the Labor staffer and the quashing of an investigation is further evidence the Chief Minister commands and contributes to a toxic culture of cover- ups and a continued denigration of Parliamentary standards.

“Instead of allowing the proper process to take its course and launch an investigation, Labor Ministers stopped any resemblance of scrutiny in its tracks. The Gunner Labor Government has completely lost its grip on reality.

“This extraordinary move comes on the back of a disastrous fortnight of scandal for Labor relating to a senior member of the Chief Minister’s staff, and Parliamentary colleague; the rejecting of two censure motions – which are reserved for the most serious of debates – and the ruthless dismantling of the Public Accounts Committee by cutting the number of non- government members.

“The Gunner Government is in freefall and today’s events sum up the internal chaos and dysfunction, now bleeding out into the operation of Parliament,” said Ms Finocchiaro.