Shadow Minister for Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics, Gerard Maley, has criticised Minister Eva Lawler for her panicked re-write of the Planning Act to elevate herself above the law in approving or refusing rezoning applications.

“The Minister rushed legislation through Parliament, which has given her even more autocratic powers to rezone areas of land. The Minister has always been the relevant decision maker, but this used to be done in a framework with checks and balances.

“When a single property owner had the temerity to challenge a planning decision in court, Mrs Lawler hurried to change the law.

“This dramatic law change will stop the current court action, but what’s more concerning is the fact it will permanently reduce checks and balances on the Minister’s power on any rezoning application across the Territory.

“Planning decisions can affect Territorian’s neighbourhoods, their homes, their businesses and their lives, no matter where they live.

“In the past, the Minister had to give reasons when making decisions. But in an extraordinary move to avoid scrutiny and disempower every Territorian, the Minister removed this crucial oversight.

“Under sustained questioning, Mrs Lawler revealed that even if she gave terrible reasons for a decision, then the decision can’t be changed.

“This decision could impact every single Territorian because the Minister can now rezone land freely.

“This is the second time in recent history Labor has specifically legislated to remove natural justice for Territorians and solidify its power base by allowing autocratic decision making,” said Mr Maley.