Leader of the Opposition, Lia Finocchiaro, says the Gunner Government has completely lost its grip on the NT’s crime crisis.

The latest Territory crime statistics (year on year to January 2021) show violent crime – assaults, domestic violence and alcohol-related assaults – has dramatically increased right across the Territory.

“These horrific increases in violent crimes highlight the tragedy that is the Gunner Government’s failed policies on law and order, and alcohol. Territorians are being victimised not matter where they live.

“Labor’s soft on crime approach means assaults have skyrocketed and Territorians don’t feel safe. These damning figures demonstrate the Gunner Government has completely lost control. Across the Territory, assaults have risen 22 percent, rates of domestic violence have increase 28 percent and alcohol-related assaults are up 31 percent.

“The statistics show the Chief Minister, and his government, has failed to address the appalling rates of violence and alcohol-fuelled harm and crime from the Top End to Central Australia.

“Labor’s alcohol policy simply isn’t working. Alcohol-related assaults in Tennant Creek have risen by a staggering 68 percent. That is absolutely terrifying. Across the rest of the Territory the numbers are just as bleak: up 62 percent in Palmerston, up 39 percent in Katherine, up 20 percent in Darwin and up 16 percent in Alice Springs.

“Our police do an incredible job, with the limited numbers and resources they’ve been given, and we can’t expect them to shoulder the enormous weight of Labor’s failed law and order and alcohol policies. These appalling crime figures fall squarely at the feet of the Gunner Government,” said Ms Finocchiaro.

Source: https://pfes.nt.gov.au/police/community-safety/nt-crime-statistics