Leader of the Opposition, Lia Finocchiaro, says it’s absolutely appalling the Gunner Government is hiding behind the pathetic excuse it hasn’t had enough time to look over the Opposition’s crucial bail reform.

“Because of Labor’s sensational failure to meet its most basic function: keeping Territorians safe, this afternoon the Opposition is introducing the Bail Amendment Bill 2021, on urgency.

“Last night, we provided an advanced copy of the Bill to Labor. We gave them more than 18 hours to look over a six page document. Yet, the Gunner Government is using every excuse under the sun to avoid facing up to this issue.

“It is farcical Labor is claiming it’s been caught by surprise. It is farcical Labor is claiming it hasn’t had enough time to look at the details. These six simple changes, with three main points, reverse Labor’s weak bail laws. It’s that straightforward.

“We’ve done Labor a favour by providing all its members an advanced copy. Normally, they wouldn’t get it until the Bill is tabled in parliament.

“Are we expected to believe none of the Labor team has bothered to read the paper, listen to the radio, or watch the news? Because the full details of our Bill have been known for at least a week. I flagged it last Tuesday, the day after the Chief Minister’s crime shame was aired on A Current Affair – which has been viewed around four million times on TV and social media.

“We have listened to Territorians. We have listened to police. We have listened to key industry bodies and now we have delivered our legislation. Territorians can’t wait until May for the inept Gunner Labor Government’s slapped together, feeble attempt to address the crime crisis.

“The NT Police Association, the Chamber of Commerce and Hospitality NT have said time is of the essence and thrown their weight behind our Bill. Chief Minister, now is the time to listen,” said Ms Finocchiaro.