Leader of the Opposition, Lia Finocchiaro, says it’s shameful the Gunner Labor Government has recklessly dismissed a key recommendation from two of its own, taxpayer-funded, reports to kick start private sector investment and revive our economy.

“The Territory Economic Reconstruction Commission (TERC) and the Langoulant Plan for Budget Repair identified the need to overhaul the current major projects system and establish a single point of coordination for major project investment.

“The Opposition’s Territory Coordinator Bill 2020 did just that – and key stakeholders agreed, providing nothing but overwhelmingly positive feedback for our proposed legislation.

“Labor voted it down, despite the fact a Territory Coordinator: independent of government and with broad legislated powers to coordinate agency responses, would have the ability to slash unnecessary red tape, fast-track approvals and if necessary direct government agencies to comply with fast-tracked decision-making timelines.

“The Chief Minister and his Labor team rejected these proposed laws, without offering any alternative to dig us out of the $8.4 billion dollar black hole created over the past four and half year of careless and negligent spending by the Gunner Government.

“The Opposition isn’t afraid to keep bringing important legislation into the parliament to combat the Gunner Labor Government’s glaring lack of action on crime and the economy,” said Ms Finocchiaro.