The Gunner Government have once again spectacularly bungled our tourism rebound, pulling the rug out from under local small and family businesses by stopping them from serving small amounts of takeaway alcohol with a meal.

“The Gunner Government only know how to do one thing well, and that’s destroy small business and increase red tape.”

“During COVID, the Northern Territory allowed restaurants to sell takeaway alcohol with a meal, to be enjoyed responsibly at home or in public spaces like East Point and the Waterfront”

“For a year this system worked really well for responsible Territorians and restaurants, but two days ago the Gunner Labor Government shut it down without warning.”

“On the night before the Easter long weekend, the eve of the Dry Season and the same day half price flights to the Territory open, Labor have shut down a major drawcard for many Territory businesses.”

“The timing couldn’t be worse, and the impact will be enormous.”

“I have spoken to retailers and restaurateurs whose business adapted through COVID to this new model, being able to sell a cocktail or glass of wine with a takeaway meal and now the Gunner Labor Government have pulled the rug out from under them on two days-notice.”

“Yet in areas where alcohol is doing harm, we hear nothing from Michael Gunner.”

“Alcohol related assaults are up 31% across the Territory, and the Gunner Labor Government have ignored that and instead punished small businesses, selling small volumes to responsible Territorians.”

“This makes no sense, and shows that the governments slogans around “jobs jobs jobs” and slashing red tape are nothing more than hollow spin”

“Every time our small business and tourism industry start to see a light at the end of the tunnel, the Gunner Labor Government block it with red tape.”