Deputy Leader of the Opposition, Gerard Maley, says the latest crime statistics show the Gunner Government is squarely to blame for the shocking rise in assaults, domestic violence and alcohol-related harm right across the Territory.

According to the figures, year on year to February 2021, violent crime has increased between 20 percent and 30 percent Territory-wide.

“It doesn’t matter if you live in Darwin, Katherine, Tennant Creek or Alice Springs – the spectacular failures by Labor when it comes to law and order, and alcohol policy, is creating more victims of crime and more pressure on our hard-working police.

“Across the Territory, assaults have risen 20 percent, domestic violence is up 26 percent and alcohol-related assaults have climbed almost 30 percent.

“Domestic violence has surged 51 percent in Palmerston, 38 percent in Tennant Creek, 26 percent in Katherine and 24 percent in both Darwin and Alice Springs. The number of alcohol- related assaults are just appalling: up 73 percent in Palmerston, 60 percent in Tennant Creek, 31 percent in Katherine and 24 percent in Darwin.

“The Gunner Government’s refusal to address the NT’s crime crisis shows Labor has completely abandoned Territorians. They’re being victimised no matter where they live or work.

“The Chief Minister had the chance to take real action and support a simple first step to stop the revolving door of bail when the CLP introduced its Bail Amendment Bill 2021 in the March sittings. This would have made sure repeat offenders start with a position of no bail, bring back breach of bail as an offence and if a repeat offender is granted bail they would be subjected to mandatory electronic monitoring. “The Gunner Government refused to debate these important reforms on urgency, leaving Territorians to fend for themselves. Chief Minister, you and your cowardly Labor team should be ashamed,” said Mr Maley.
