Leader of the Opposition, Lia Finocchiaro, says the decision by Dan Murphy’s not to proceed with its Darwin development shows the Gunner government is killing off investment in the Territory and shines a spotlight on Labor’s alcohol policy failures.

“This saga has been dragging on for five long years and from the start the Gunner Labor Government has made Dan Murphy’s feel unwelcome in the Territory. Since Dan Murphy’s expressed interest in investing in Darwin, the Gunner Government’s reaction and continual shifting of the goalposts made it very clear, even to the most casual observer, that the Northern Territory is not a good place to do business.

“In 2016, the Gunner Labor Government dramatically changed the law restricting bottle shop floor space to 400sq metres, which effectively blocked Dan Murphy’s from setting up in Darwin. Six months later the Chief Minister conceded he stuffed up and repealed that legislation. Add to that, a string of court action, numerous applications with NT Licensing, and appeals with NT Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NTCAT).

“Labor’s initial reaction and subsequent counter-reactions has killed this development. The Gunner Government is hell-bent on wiping out business confidence in the Territory – and today’s announcement shows it’s succeeding.

Shadow Minister for Alcohol Policy, Gerard Maley, says Woolworths set up this independent panel review in response to public outrage following extraordinary legislation which the Gunner Government rammed through, on urgency, late last year. This change handed the Director of Licensing the power to make decisions without the need for consultation or to give reasons.

“If we had an efficient business and investment-friendly environment here in the Northern Territory, all these issues would have been flushed out in that consultation process. This review has basically found the current alcohol settings are ineffective. A national alcohol retailer has said it won’t set up shop in the Territory. This is a damning indictment on our current laws.

“Today’s announcement showcases not only the Gunner Government’s anti-business, anti-investment attitude, but also demonstrates Labor’s current alcohol policy isn’t working for people afflicted by the scourge of alcohol abuse – or responsible drinkers,” said Mr Maley.