Leader of the Opposition, Lia Finocchiaro, says the NT Police Force’s attrition rate has hit
crisis point and an urgent investigation by an independent parliamentary committee must
be launched to work out why so many officers are leaving – and what can be done to
improve retention rates.

“In the last 12 months, around 120 officers have left through resignation or retirement, or
have transferred. That’s an average of ten (10) officers per month.

“Not surprisingly, the Gunner Government doesn’t want to acknowledge there’s a problem,
let alone address the issue of our appalling attrition rate – including a recent separation of
22 officers in the space of just one month.

“Is it because of exhaustive overtime? A distrust between police and the Gunner Labor
Government? It is because of inadequate resources and infrastructure, particularly in
regional and remote areas? The reality is, we simply don’t know because there’s no rigour in
understanding this issue.

“We can’t let attrition continue at this rate – something must be done.

“That’s why the Opposition is today proposing a select committee to investigate why our
police are leaving in droves. The CLP is again leading from Opposition. The CLP is again filling
a void in leadership from the incompetent Gunner Government.

“We want our police to feel valued and to do that, we need to know why they are leaving
and what we can do to make them stay.

“This committee would compare the NT attrition rate with other jurisdictions, look at
budgetary impact on our officers, the average length of service before separation, trust
between members and government, as well as job satisfaction and employee services.

“We need to understand why a 2020 pre-election survey of Northern Territory Police
Association (NTPA) Members found:

  • 87% of respondents believe the Gunner Government does not understand policing issues
  • 86.5% of respondents believe Gunner Government interferes in operational matters
  • 62% of respondents believe the Gunner Government does not support police; and
  • 90% of respondents believe the current recruitment program is ineffective

“Labor says we have more police than ever. Well, where are they? They’re certainly not in
Tennant Creek, where the eight additional Police Auxiliary Liquor Inspectors (PALI) promised
for the town back in 2018 still haven’t been delivered.

“They’re certainly not in Bulman, Minyerri, Peppimenarti, Numbulwar, Minjilang, Warruwi,
Umbakumba, Milikapiti, Milingimbi, Robinson River, Alpurrurulam, Haasts Bluff, Willowra,
Imanpa, Finke, Nyirripi, Titjikala and Docker River, because the Police Minister admitted in
Parliament this week that these communities don’t have a permanent police presence – but
wouldn’t tell us why.

“The Gunner Labor Government needs to get its head out of the sand and recognise the
impact a haemorrhaging police force is having – and work out how to fix it,” said Ms