Leader of the Opposition, Lia Finocchiaro, says the Chief Minister must immediately make
public an investigation into allegations of verbal abuse, and threats of physical violence
towards an Indigenous woman by the NT Treaty Commissioner.

“This morning Sky News detailed serious allegations levelled against Commissioner Mick
Dodson, including using ‘sexually degrading language’ and threatening to ‘knock her f***ing
lights out’, at a football match back in January. In a statement to Sky News, the Treaty
Commissioner didn’t deny the allegations, but said he had no recollection of the incident.

“Violence, and threats of violence, against women are completely unacceptable.

“The Treaty Commissioner, who is appointed by parliament, must be held to a higher standard
than a regular public servant. The role of the Commissioner is to consult with Aboriginal
Territorians to develop a framework for future treaty negotiations. It’s an important role and
this is an important process. These allegations put that process at risk.

“I am disgusted that Treaty Minister, Selena Uibo, has known about these serious
allegations since March yet failed to stand the Commissioner aside, immediately, while an
investigation was underway.

“The same Minister who has failed to show leadership on this issue, ironically, took part in
the March4Justice to promote respect and safety for women in the workplace, and an end to
gendered violence, along with Labor caucus members. They included: Minister for Women
Lauren Moss, Minister for Alcohol Policy Natasha Fyles, Minister for Territory Families Kate
Worden, Minister for Police Nicole Manison, Minister for Environment Eva Lawler, Minister
for Remote House and Town Camps Chansey Paech and Joel Bowden.

“Labor has a shocking record investigating bad behaviour. The Chief Minister resisted a formal
probe into the Member for Blain’s involvement in the Labor ‘Cocaine Sex’ Scandal, and last
month delayed a report into the disgraced MLA’s ‘dishonesty’ – until next year.

“The Gunner Labor Government can no longer sweep this under the carpet. The Chief
Minister needs to clear the air and take a stand if the allegationslevelled against the NT Treaty
Commissioner are proven.

“We would expect Labor to publicly condemn the Commissioner’s behaviour – and the
Opposition would support removing him from the role,” said Ms Finocchiaro.