Shadow Minister for Women, Marie-Clare Boothby, says the CLP Opposition is preparing a
motion – to move on urgency in the June sittings – to remove the NT Treaty Commissioner, if
he doesn’t resign first.

“The Gunner Government’s acceptance of the NT Treaty Commissioner’s refusal to stand
down simply isn’t good enough.
“For the Chief Minister to hide behind an ‘employment law situation’ excuse not to press the
NT Treaty Commissioner to resign, is downright disrespectful to every woman in the Territory.

“The Chief Minister has finalised an investigation into allegations the NT Treaty
Commissioner, Mick Dodson, verbally abused and threatened physical violence against an
Indigenous woman.

“If Michael Gunner isn’t prepared to show some leadership and make this report public – at
least have the decency to tell Territorians the outcome of that investigation.

“It’s disappointing we have a Treaty Commissioner embroiled in allegations of aggressive
behaviour towards women, taking sick leave on National Sorry Day and the beginning of
Reconciliation Week, while continuing to collect his $290,000 salary.

“The Chief Minister says he has lost confidence in the Treaty Commissioner, but doesn’t have
the fortitude to demand he step down.

“Other than offering his resignation, the Treaty Commissioner can only be removed with a
two-thirds majority in the Legislative Assembly and the first available opportunity is in June.
We are preparing a motion – to move on urgency in the June sittings – to dismiss
Commissioner Dodson,” said Ms Boothby.