Shadow Minister for Health, Bill Yan, says it’s completely unacceptable crucial health
services are being cut in remote parts of the Territory because of the Gunner Government’s
mismanagement of the NT health system.

“Over the past few months, health clinics at Engawala, Yuelamu, Epenarra (Wutunugurra)
and Ikuntji (Haasts Bluff) have either closed, or had their services slashed – some to just a
few days a week.

“This reduction of health services in remote areas means more pressure on clinics which are
forced to service additional communities. There are also serious concerns over response
times if staff are having to travel from another community, particularly in medical

“Staff who remain and have to service the reduced-hours clinics are worried about fatigue
management and burnout. Some health workers are constantly on-call to respond to the
clinics that have been closed, and nurses are concerned about their ability to service
additional communities without compromising the care for their immediate patients.

“Before the COVID outbreak, the NT health system was already understaffed and
overburdened. This has been exacerbated by the global pandemic and the decision by the
Gunner Government to force AUSMAT from Howard Springs.

“These remote clinic closures coincide with the Gunner Government’s takeover of Howard
Springs, so we’re concerned Labor is reducing services to our remote clinics at the expense
of staffing the expanded quarantine facility.

“Residents in remote parts of the Territory deserve the same health service delivery as
anywhere else in the NT and shouldn’t be disadvantaged because the Gunner Government
can’t staff their local clinics,” said Mr Yan.