Deputy Leader of the Opposition, Gerard Maley, says it’s concerning one of the key Ministers
responsible for spurring economic growth and attracting private investment oversees a
department riddled with budget wastage.

“Despite the Territory Economic Reconstruction Commission (TERC) and the Langoulant ‘Plan
for Budget Repair’ both recommending an immediate overhaul of the NT’s major projects
process and highlighting the need for a “single point of coordination”, the Gunner
Government created THREE Commissioners with no teeth and no power.

“Today the Minister for Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics admitted the Infrastructure
Commissioner won’t have any legislative powers – or be independent of government – and
will be paid up to $330,000 a year. There is nothing to indicate this position will have the
ability to do anything different to what’s already being done.

“Without a change in legislation to give the Major Projects, Investment, and Infrastructure
Commissioners broad powers to slash red tape, fast-track approvals and direct government
agencies to comply with streamlined decision-making timelines, the appointment of these
Commissioners is pointless and simply shuffling highly-paid senior public servants around.

“Through Opposition questioning it was revealed the budget for just three people in the office
of the Infrastructure Commissioner is $800,000 – which will be beefed up to $2.8 million when
the Infrastructure NT Commission office expands to eight staff members.

“Territorians will be seriously questioning whether this is bang for their buck.

“This is the same Minister who has overseen budget blow outs of $14 million on the
construction of Garramilla Boulevard and $7 million on the State Square carpark.

“Another key issue we uncovered through today’s Estimates process was the Minister’s
confession she had no idea how much was budgeted to try and achieve Labor’s target of
50% renewable energy by 2030. No wonder the Gunner Government wants to keep its
$220,000 taxpayer funded report into renewable energy targets a secret.

“We know the Gunner Government’s track record of managing its finances is absolutely
woeful, but for the Minister to think she can simply hand over a blank cheque is alarming.