Deputy Leader of the Opposition, Gerard Maley, says the Chief Minister remains rooted at
the centre of the ICAC’s findings of misconduct and corruption linked to his office over the
$12 million Darwin Turf Club grandstand.

“We’re calling on Michael Gunner to release the Cabinet documents and take full
responsibility for overseeing and approving this corrupt deal. For Michael Gunner to claim he
had no knowledge of the inner workings of the deal, when his Chief of Staff and closest advisor
had been orchestrating the proposal for three years is absolutely farcical.

“Since the ICAC handed down its report, we have said that excuse is completely implausible
– and today’s revelations from Darwin Turf Club chair Brett Dixon that Michael Gunner
‘enthusiastically supported’ the construction of the $12 million grandstand ahead of the 2020
election provides further proof of that. The fact is, the Chief Minister personally gave this
dodgy taxpayer-funded deal the green light. It’s his signature on the $12 million cheque.

“Contrary to what Michael Gunner has told media – the ICAC report absolutely did not clear
the Chief Minister and his Cabinet of wrongdoing, and trying to sell this to Territorians after
hiding behind ‘cabinet in confidence’ is shameful and deceptive. The ICAC cannot look at
matters that are ‘cabinet in confidence’.

“The Chief Minister and his Labor team are inextricably tied to this dodgy dealing; the ICAC
report states that the ‘infamous’ letter drafted by Alf Leonardi was sent to Michael Gunner,
Natasha Fyles and Eva Lawler; and according to Darwin Turf Club board meeting minutes, as
early as 2018, Michael Gunner, Nicole Manison, Natasha Fyles and Luke Gosling were involved
in discussions about potential new developments at the Turf Club.

“The buck stops with the Chief Minister and his Cabinet Ministers, who were directly
responsible for handing over $12 million of taxpayer’s funds. Territorians deserve to know
how that decision was made and why cabinet approved a proposal that was only submitted
the day before.

“Every step of the way the Chief Minister has desperately attempted to shift the focus from
his own failings and involvement in this debacle. Michael Gunner must release the Cabinet
documents and explain to Territorians why his government rubber stamped this dodgy deal,”
said Mr Maley.