Shadow Minister for Small Business, Marie-Clare Boothby, says our hospitality and tourism
industries need to be directly involved in discussions with the Gunner Government about the
plan to lift lockdown – whether it’s this afternoon or over the next few days.

“Industry bodies have told me they’re incredibly frustrated over the lack of information from
government, saying there’s been no urgency or certainty from Labor to address their

“It’s alarming when these key industries tell me they’re not even being involved in the
conversation on lifting lockdown.

“Hospitality, in particular, need adequate preparation time to open their doors and don’t
want to be caught out without a plan on how and when lockdown will be lifted.

“Will there be a staged approach? Will masks be required? What will immediate restrictions
look like? How can businesses prepare for lifting lockdown if they’re being left in the dark?”
said Ms Boothby.