The Territory Government has still provided no substantial comment to ICAC’s findings of
fraud at Milingimbi school and the warning that similar practices could be occurring at other
remote schools.

Shadow Education Minister, Jo Hersey, said the Minister’s silence continues to be deafening
despite the urgency required to ensure probity in remote schools.

“It has been almost a week since ICAC’s scathing review into the Milingimbi school was
released, yet the Government has gone missing on this,” Mrs Hersey said.

“The report highlighted the misappropriation of more than $500,000 from the school by a
former principal and pointed to the possibility similar frauds may have occurred at other
remote schools.

“If the missing minister won’t stand up for remote community schools, then why isn’t the
former Education Minister and remote electorate MLA Selena Uibo taking a stand on behalf
of remote schools?

“There has been no public condemnation of the theft, no promise to review systems to
ensure it won’t happen again and no commencement of further investigations to make sure
the practice isn’t wide-spread.

“Most alarmingly, there has been no show of support by this Government to the dozens of
amazing remote schools that do a tremendous job in often trying circumstances.

“Everyone involved in remote education is under a cloud because ICAC noted that instances
of fraud at remote schools could be more widespread. The Government needs to wake up
and acknowledge this is the future of Territory children literally being robbed from under
our noses.”

“Education Minister Lauren Moss needs to immediately end her silence and provide
guarantees that what happened at Milingimbi will not be repeated elsewhere.”