The Opposition has submitted over 200 written questions to the Government scrutinising the dodgy
grandstand deal and the gifting of $12 million to Darwin Turf Club.

“We have asked a series of detailed questions to Chief Minister Michael Gunner, Deputy Chief
Minister and former Treasurer Nicole Manison, Racing Minister Natasha Fyles and Cabinet ministers
Eva Lawler and Paul Kirby.

“We expect the Gunner Labor Government will try to hide behind any mindless excuse available to
avoid answering our questions but, the reality is, these are the questions Territorians are asking and
these are the questions that need to be answered to clear the air on how this dodgy deal was able to
make it through Cabinet,” Ms Finocchiaro said.

“The Chief Minister is an expert at throwing other people under the bus. He did it with the Labor
‘cocaine sex’ scandal and he has done it with the gifting of $12 million for the grandstand.

“Now we are seeing his cabinet colleagues stand up to his cowardly and deceitful ways by dishing
out a bit of his own medicine and confirming that it was Michael Gunner who took the submission
from the Turf Club into Cabinet.

“First Eva Lawler and today Natasha Fyles have confirmed what Territorians already knew, that
Michael Gunner took the submission to give away $12 million into Cabinet – and he is the one who
forced them to approve it.”

“As the Labor team start to distance themselves from a Chief Minister whose position is untenable –
Territorians might actually start learning the truth about what has been really going on over the past
five years.

“Ministers Fyles and Lawler have adopted Michael Gunners style – throw or be thrown. But they
can’t wipe their hands of their involvement either. Both sat in cabinet on 14 June, 2019 and failed in
their duty by allowing a decision to be made that gave away $12 million when no rigorous process
had been undertaken and when the Territory was stone cold broke.

“The key question left unanswered is when? When will one of the Labor team deliver the final blow
to Michael Gunner and spill the leadership?

“Surely Gunner’s ducking and weaving about who took the submission to Cabinet is the final straw.
This goes to the heart of the Labor Party and the Parliamentary caucus’s integrity.

“The standard you walk by is the standard you accept”