Leader of the Opposition, Lia Finocchiaro, says the Chief Minister should be on a plane to the
Tokyo Olympics following yesterday’s spectacular backflip on the dodgy grandstand
submission to cabinet.

“Over the past week, Michael Gunner has been shoved under the bus by his Labor Ministers
in an attempt to distance themselves from spearheading the $12 million deal and yesterday
the Chief Minister was forced to fall on his sword and admit what Territorians already knew –
he took the submission into cabinet.

“First, Infrastructure Minister, Eva Lawler, outed the Chief Minister as taking the grandstand
submission ‘under the arm’ to cabinet.

“Racing Minister, Natasha Fyles, was quick to follow suit and confirm this in a bid to distance
herself from the toxicity surrounding the $12 million taxpayer-funded grant.

“Yet, instead of taking responsibility himself, Michael Gunner swapped his trusty bus, which
has already claimed so many scalps, and hired a Mack Truck, telling Territorians:

‘That went in under my signature, it was a cabinet memo. It crossed several different
departments and ministers, and so it is quite normal, often, when that is the case when it
involves the Racing Minister, Infrastructure Minister, and Treasurer, for the Chief Minister to
take that in.’ – Michael Gunner.

“At no time did Michael Gunner take ownership of the submission, instead he again took to
deflecting from his own involvement by lumping the blame with his Labor team.

“The Chief Minister lined up Minister Lawler, Minister Fyles and Minister Manison one by one
in a limp attempt to fight back against the three people most likely to boot him from the top
job, and tried to embroil them deeper in the scandal than he is:

‘It was a cabinet decision all, well, all of us were there around that table, we made a decision
that I think doesn’t meet community standards’. – Michael Gunner.

“In confirming the submission was a ‘cabinet memo’, Michael Gunner has also admitted he
absolutely knew it hadn’t been ‘rigorously tested’, contrary to what he has previously told

‘Cabinet did not have the knowledge the proposal had been not been rigorously tested and
validated prior to cabinet’s consideration.’ – Michael Gunner.

“One thing is certain – while the Labor cabinet implodes, Labor Ministers break ranks, former
Labor MLAs throw mud and Darwin Turf Club board members speak out, there is much more
to this scandal to unfold.

“Territorians won’t be satisfied until Michael Gunner and his cabinet acknowledge that they
were negligent in their duty and ‘affected by political donations’. The entire cabinet must own
the decision to give away $12 million in public funds – and resign,” said Ms Finocchiaro.