Shadow Minister for Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics, Gerard Maley, says the Gunner
Labor Government’s inaction on addressing the need for additional emergency shelters in the
rural and regional areas is further proof of Labor’s contempt for residents beyond the
Berrimah Line.

“Back in February this year, in Parliament, the outgoing Member for Daly called on the Gunner
Government to review and assess the need for emergency shelters in areas impacted by
flooding and natural disasters.

“In March this year, the outgoing Member for Daly also petitions to Parliament on behalf of
residents in the Dundee region, which included calls for a cyclone shelter.

“Six months on from when this issue was first raised on the floor of Parliament and we’ve
heard nothing but crickets from the Gunner Labor Government.

“We’re now only two months out from the start of the Top End cyclone season and residents
at Dundee Beach, Dundee Downs and Bynoe have no option to seek shelter near their homes.
The closest emergency shelter is at Berry Springs Primary School, which an hour away – or at
Wagait Beach, which is an hour and a half away.

“A dedicated emergency shelter for residents of Daly River is also needed. The community of
Nauiyu is impacted by flooding every Wet Season. During the 2018 flood event, hundreds of
residents from Nauiyu and Wooliana Road had to be airlifted to Batchelor, before being
bussed to an evacuation centre at the Darwin Showgrounds.

“The Gunner Government should have been working to address these serious community
concerns ahead of the Wet season – and particularly the cyclone season. Not surprisingly,
nothing has been done. That’s because the Gunner Labor Government doesn’t care about the
regions, the rural area or the bush,” said Mr Maley.