Leader of the Opposition, Lia Finocchiaro, says a decision by the Chief Minister and his Labor
colleagues to boycott the biggest day on the Territory’s racing calendar – because of their
deep shame in gifting $12 million to the Darwin Turf Club through an improper cabinet
process – is outrageous.

“Michael Gunner has effectively washed his hands of his responsibilities as leader, hoping this
funding fiasco will blow over. He didn’t even bother fronting up to his namesake race The
Chief Minister’s Cup Day, cancelled the traditional Darwin Cup parliamentary function, and
continues to dodge radio commitments in a desperate attempt to sidestep questions about
his role in approving the dodgy grandstand deal.

“The Chief Minister and Racing Minister, Natasha Fyles, have proven they are completely
incapable of doing their jobs by publicly snubbing one of the biggest events on the dry season
calendar, and should both step aside.

“Despite her involvement in rubber-stamping the $12 million taxpayer-funded giveaway for
the dodgy grandstand deal, Minister Fyles confirmed with media this morning that no Labor
Ministers attended any events at the Darwin Turf Club – because the board hasn’t resigned.

“No one is buying this farcical argument. The only board that should resign over this sorry
saga is the Labor cabinet, which approved and signed the $12 million cheque. If the Gunner
Government was so outraged by the turf club board, why did it recently appoint a current
member to chair the board of Activate Darwin?” said Mrs Finocchiaro.

Shadow Minister for Tourism and Racing, Marie-Clare Boothby, says Ministers of the Crown
have obligations that they must fulfil – and for the Racing and Tourism Minister to abandon
the Darwin Cup Carnival as a result of her involvement in the $12 million grant is unforgivable.

“It is outrageous and utterly unprofessional for the Chief Minister and his entire team –
including Minister Fyles – to unilaterally boycott an event like the Darwin Cup Carnival which
Labor has previously spruiked as a major drawcard for interstate and international tourists,
as well as an economic boon – and labelled ‘iconic’.

“Members of the Gunner Government have once again disgraced themselves and shown just
how shallow they are by demonising the tourism and racing industries in order to save their
own skin.

“This is a gross dereliction of duty and must be called out for what it is – incompetence and

“The dead weight in the Labor cabinet is crippling the Territory – we have a Racing and Tourism
Minister condemning the racing and tourism industries and an Education Minister who has
not made any substantive comment on revelations in an ICAC report that $500,000 had been
defrauded out of a remote bush school, right under Minister Moss’s nose. It’s absolutely

“Power-hungry ministers cannot simply sit there keeping their seats warm. Do your job or get
out of the way so someone else can do it properly,” said Ms Boothby.