Leader of the Opposition, Lia Finocchiaro, says the CLP will use the upcoming parliamentary
sittings to hammer the Gunner Government over its deplorable handling of issues stemming
from ICAC’s bombshell Darwin Turf Club report, its legacy of putting the rights of offenders
above the rights of victims as crime continues to spiral out of control, the Royal Darwin
Hospital bed block, and its frantic attempt to hide the $35 million payout figure to Don Dale

“These are the first parliamentary sittings since the ICAC handed down its damning report
into the $12 million dodgy grandstand deal, including findings of ‘corruption’.

“This is the first chance for parliamentary scrutiny of the improper Cabinet process that led
to $12 million of taxpayer funds being gifted to the Darwin Turf Club by the Chief Minister
and his Labor Cabinet.

“Michael Gunner’s staggering backflip on introducing urgent legislation to sack the Turf Club
board is a blunt admission that he has realised how desperate his attempts to shift blame for
signing the $12 million cheque for his pet project really are.

“When his demands for the Darwin Turf Club board to resign were ignored, the Chief Minister
chucked a tantrum and said he would change the law to give himself ultimate control over
every gymnastics club, pony club or footy club in the Territory – which the CLP has said it
would staunchly oppose.

“It’s absolutely ludicrous that the Chief Minister is now saying he’ll await the outcome of a
meeting of ONE board to decide whether he’ll pursue legislative changes that will impact
more than 1,600 clubs across the Territory.

“We know the Chief Minister has no influence, no power and no backbone – but to try and
force through legislative change every time he doesn’t get his own way is a shameful abuse
of power.

“Meanwhile, victims of crime continue to be ignored by this inept Gunner Government, as
highlighted by the brutal and brazen attack on Alderman Gary Haslett. What’s more
concerning is this assault was allegedly perpetrated by a youth while on bail.
“Every single day, Territorians are being assaulted and victimised.

“We have been in and out of parliament with the Gunner Government weakening bail laws.
The CLP had a plan which would be the first step towards real and immediate consequences
for repeat offenders, but when we brought laws into parliament to address the revolving door
of bail, the Gunner Government shut it down.

“The CLP will also be using parliamentary sittings to seek answers from the Health Minister
regarding last week’s Code Yellow crisis at Royal Darwin Hospital and how the Gunner
Government plans to deal with the bed blockage against the backdrop of the global pandemic.

“This is the second time in six months the Territory’s main hospital has reached capacity –
and the Minister has only admitted it after it was made public through the media.

“How can Territorians trust Labor to manage our complex and overburdened health system
if the Minister responsible can’t even let the public know when RDH is suffering critical bed
block? Territorians want to know if our health system can cope if there is a COVID outbreak
in the Territory during a Code Yellow,” said Mrs Finocchiaro.

Shadow Minister for Territory Families, Joshua Burgoyne, says the Gunner Government still
has burning questions to answer about its decision to pay $35 million in compensation to Don
Dale detainees – and the direction to try and keep that figure secret.

“Territorians deserve to know whether it was Minister for Territory Families, Kate Worden,
Attorney-General, Selena Uibo, or the Chief Minister himself who approved the amount and
gave the direction to keep us all in the dark about the $35 million taxpayer-funded payout.

It’s the very least Territorians deserve,” said Mr Burgoyne.