Leader of the Opposition, Lia Finocchiaro, says what Territorians witnessed today in the
Legislative Assembly is one of the most anti-democratic, tyrannical abuse of power and
parliamentary process since self-government.

“In an extraordinary move, the Leader of Government Business shut down – without any
debate – a motion put forward during non-government business to hold Labor to account
over its approval of $12 million for the dodgy grandstand deal.

“It is our job as Opposition to hold the government to account over their decisions, their
inaction and their failures – of which there are many.

“Each and every member of parliament has a responsibility to the Territorians who elected
them. The Gunner Government has absolutely no regard for the Territorians we represent, or
the democratic process.

“It’s the job of the Opposition to raise the issues of most concern and importance to
Territorians, including:

  • The Labor Cabinet’s gifting of $12 million for the dodgy grandstand deal;
  • The decision by Labor to pay $35 million to Don Dale detainees and then attempt to keep the payout figure secret;
  • The Gunner Government’s failure to address youth justice and horrific crimes like the brutal bashing of Alderman Gary Haslett, allegedly perpetrated by a 13-year-old who was on bail; and
  • The Code Yellow crisis at Royal Darwin Hospital

“It’s the Gunner Government’s job to defend its position on the issues the Opposition brings
into parliament on behalf of Territorians, but it’s clear Labor is imploding, is weak and too
cowardly to face up to their own failures. So instead of debating us, they gag us.

“What Labor has done today will not silence us as an Opposition. It only reinforces that the
Gunner Labor Government will do everything in its power to avoid answering questions about
its $12 million handout because it has something to hide,” said Mrs Finocchiaro.