Leader of the Opposition, Lia Finocchiaro, says the Gunner Labor Government’s reluctant
acceptance of the CLP’s censure motion on crime has forced Labor’s under-pressure Ministers
to face up to their spectacular failures on law and order.

“This highlights just how far the Gunner Government is willing to go to shut down debate on
its gifting of $12 million for the dodgy grandstand deal.

“Labor is happy to publicly mislead Territorians over its improper Cabinet process approving
the grandstand deal, but is petrified to accept any debate inside Parliament House. That’s
because inside the chamber, the Gunner Government has nowhere to hide from its tangled
web of lies and deceit.

“Unlike Labor, the CLP is committed to putting Territorians first and today we wanted the
Chief Minister to answer one simple question: How many more Territorians have to be
bashed, robbed or killed before you take action?

“The CLP this afternoon dedicated Question Time to pursuing Labor over its crime failures.

“We asked the government to explain how it has allowed a situation to develop where fed up local businesses describe out of control youth offenders as “dangerous little bloody terrorists”.

“The government’s number one priority should be keeping Territorians safe. Labor has failed
Territorians time and time again.

“What Territorians need is a government that’s willing to tackle the NT’s escalating crime
crisis, head on, and put victims first.

“Instead, we have a government blindly continuing with its failed policies. The Chief Minister
has such little regard for our police force, he palmed off the portfolio to his Deputy.

“Labor failed victims of crime when it decided to settle a $35 million compensation payout to
Don Dale detainees. During Question Time, the Minister responsible stayed tight lipped on
which member of the Gunner Government signed the cheque, and who gave the direction to
keep the taxpayer-funded settlement secret.

“Labor has failed Territorians by overseeing significant increases in crime right across the

“Labor has forced our police to undertake a crippling workload without adequate numbers or
adequate resources.