Leader of the Opposition, Lia Finocchiaro, says the Gunner Government’s complete
abandonment of victims of crime – particularly in Central Australia – is absolutely disgusting
and Michael Gunner must be held responsible for every single Territorian who is abused,
attacked and victimised because of Labor’s failed law and order policies.

“Yesterday, in Alice Springs we witnessed a terrifying hit-and-run incident where a woman
was injured in a shopping centre carpark. This was allegedly perpetrated by a 19-year-old
driver who was drunk and unlicensed. Police say he then fled the carpark and ran a red light.

“This happened at 10.30am on a Tuesday morning. This alleged offender was charged with
high range drink driving.

“Labor’s soft on crime approach has fostered an alarming and dangerous environment where
offenders don’t think there are any consequences for their criminal behaviour.

“Our overburdened, under-staffed police are doing everything they can with the inadequate
resources they have been given by government. Our officers have said time and time again
they can’t arrest their way out of the Territory’s crime crisis – and they’re absolutely right.
Not when they’re arresting the same offender time and time again because they keep getting
let out on bail,” said Mrs Finocchiaro.

Shadow Minister for Territory Families, Joshua Burgoyne, says the Gunner Government’s
decision to pay $35 million to Don Dale detainees and then try and keep the payout figure
hidden from Territorians is a blunt admission Labor puts the rights of offenders above the
rights of victims.

“If the woman injured in yesterday’s horrifying incident puts in a claim for Victims of Crime,
we know that she’ll likely be forced to wait three years to receive any kind of compensation
for her injuries. That is absolutely staggering. We also know the Gunner Government has only
recouped $100,000 from offenders to pay victims’ compensation over a nine month period.

“Territorians are being victimised and brutalised every single day and they’re being
completely ignored by this Gunner Government. The CLP Opposition will not stop holding
Labor to account over its crime policy failures,” said Mr Burgoyne.

Shadow Minister for Health, Bill Yan, says the Gunner Government need to expand its focus
to keeping Territorians safe from relentless violence, crime and antisocial behaviour.

“Yesterday’s incident proves Labor’s alcohol policies are a complete flop. We have a teenager
who was allegedly heavily intoxicated terrorising shoppers in the centre of Alice Springs. This
had the potential to put many lives at risk and even the potential to turn deadly.

“When will the Gunner Labor Government wake up to the fact it’s failing Territorians. The
latest crime statistics are absolute proof of that, with alcohol-related assault up 40 percent in
both Darwin and Tennant Creek, 27 percent in Katherine, a staggering 75 percent in
Palmerston and 64 precent in areas outside the major centres.

“We need to immediately scrap the minimum floor price, have an urgent review of the
Banned Drinker Register and bring back mandatory alcohol treatment if we want to have any
chance of reversing this disastrous trend,” said Mr Yan.