Shadow Minister for Health, Bill Yan, says it’s unbelievable the Gunner Labor Government is
deliberately blocking the Chief Health Officer Dr Hugh Heggie – and the Deputy Chief Health Officer –
from briefing the Opposition and Independents on the Chief Minister’s ‘road map’ announcement.

“The CLP Opposition takes its health advice from the Chief Health Officer, not the Chief Minister.

“The only conclusion that can now be drawn, is that this is a deliberate obstruction by the Gunner
Government to keep Dr Hugh Heggie from providing non-government members with the best health

“Is it because Dr Heggie doesn’t agree with mandating vaccines?

“This is arguably the biggest announcement the Gunner Government has made during this global
pandemic. We are now nine days on from that announcement and have still not been offered a
briefing on the best health advice from the CHO, or Deputy CHO.

“For nine days the Health Minister has denied the Opposition and Independents access to the best
health advice from the Chief Health Officer, or his Deputy. The Opposition and Independents should
have been offered a briefing on the day the Chief Minister made his announcement, so that we can
inform our constituents of the best health advice.

“If the Chief Minister wants everyone pushing his mandatory vaccine message, why won’t he allow
the Chief Health Officer, or his Deputy, to immediately brief members of the Opposition and

“Labor’s shameless attempt to divert attention from the Territory’s health crisis was again on full
display in Parliament with the Health Minister refusing to answer:

  • Why are remote central Australia health clinics, including Engawala and Epenarra, only operating two days a week?
  • How many elective surgeries have been cancelled as a result of the three Code Yellows at Royal Darwin Hospital this year?
  • What is the average wait time for ambulances which are ramping at RDH while waiting with sick patients inside their vans, unable to respond to emergency 000 calls?
  • Why are nurses regularly working 18 hour shifts, why RDH is operating at 140% capacity, and how Labor plans to reduce bed block and stop exhausted nurses working double shifts?

“Why won’t the Gunner Government face up to its dire and dangerous health failures and why is
government refusing to allow the CHO, or his Deputy, to brief non-government members on the best
health advice?” said Mr Yan.