Leader of the Opposition, Lia Finocchiaro, says the latest figures showing a sharp increase in youth offending since the Gunner Government’s new youth bail laws came into place in May, proves Labor’s watered down law reform is a complete failure.

“Written questions submitted through a formal parliamentary process have uncovered that in the two and a half months since Labor’s new youth bail laws commenced, 100 youths were arrested – which is almost a third of the total number of young people arrested during the 2020/21 financial year.

15 May 2021 – 1 August 2021:

  • 100 youths were arrested 122 times;
  • There were 62 arrests where a youth offender was on bail at the time of their arrest;
  • On 44 of those occasions, bail was granted again; and
  • In that period, nine youths were arrested twice, five were arrested three times and one youth was arrested four times

1 July 2020 – 30 June 2021:

  • 289 youths were arrested 581 times;
  • There were 245 arrests where a youth offender was on bail at the time of their arrest;
  • On 195 of these occasions, bail was granted again; and
  • In that period, 70 youths were arrested twice, 38 were arrested three times, 33 were arrest four times, eight were arrested on five occasions, and three were arrested six times

“The CLP is focused on putting the rights of victims above the rights of offenders, and to demonstrate how important the issue of law and order reform is, we would ensure the Chief Minister holds the police portfolio, unlike Michael Gunner who handballed it to his Deputy,” said Mrs Finocchiaro.
Shadow Minister for Territory Families, Joshua Burgoyne, says these statistics are damning.
“We want the Gunner Labor Government to consider our plan to curb repeat youth offending – which will have an immediate impact.

“Our message to Labor is simple: support our bail amendments which set a presumption against bail for repeat adult and youth offenders, and reinstate breach of bail conditions as an offence for youths.

“The CLP is prepared to lead from Opposition and will bring legislation before Parliament if Labor won’t. The CLP has plans to establish a purpose-built ‘Sentenced to a Skill’ boot camp and would immediately move Youth Justice from Territory Families back to Corrections,” said Mr Burgoyne.