• The NT Police, Fire and Emergency Services Annual Report 2020/21 shows:
    • Only 46 officers were added to the NT Police Force
    • Five less Sergeants, only 13 additional Constables and 22 less Auxiliaries
  • Figures published by the Northern Territory Police Association show:
    • Close to 150 officers left the force through resignation, retirement and dismissal in the last financial year

Leader of the Opposition, Lia Finocchiaro, says the Northern Territory Police, Fire and Emergency Services Annual Report highlights Labor’s failure to adequately staff and support our police force, with just 13 Constables added to the NT’s Police Force last financial year.

“Labor has failed to staff and support our police force. In fact, the Northern Territory Police Association revealed that Labor oversaw a 12 month period without a single graduating Constable squad. It’s just not good enough.

“The latest survey results from the peak body representing 99% of the Territory’s police officers shows 77% of respondents don’t think there are enough police in the NT. The NTPA survey is made up of 50% of the Force’s frontline. This is a damning indictment on the Gunner Labor Government’s failure to support our hard-working police.

“Figures published by the NTPA show there were 148 resignations, retirements and dismissals from NT Police in the 2020/21 financial year. The previous year there were just 66.

“Labor doesn’t care that our police force is haemorrhaging officers. In the first half of the year, 22 officers left in just one month. The CLP proposed a select committee to investigate why our police are leaving in droves, which was flat out rejected by Labor.

“Labor can’t afford to properly staff and resource our police because Michael Gunner maxed out the credit card with a $12 million dodgy grandstand grant and $35 million in payouts to teenage criminals at Don Dale,” said Mrs Finocchiaro.


Source: NTPFES Annual Report https://territorystories.nt.gov.au/10070/847408/0/0