Shadow Minister for Education, Jo Hersey, says the Gunner Government needs to provide immediate clarification around processes for Territory boarding students returning from interstate at the end of the school term.

“Back in September, the NT Government, along with all other jurisdictions, endorsed the National Code for Boarding School Students – at National Cabinet. This committed to a nationally consistent approach to border movement for boarding students, their families and carers.

“Since that endorsement, we’ve heard nothing from Labor about how it will implement the Code’s principles. Feedback I’ve received from peak bodies that represent students and families from the bush is that they are exasperated by the lack of information and direction to share with their members.

“The end of school term is now just weeks away and there’s still widespread confusion over whether returning boarding students can quarantine at home, or will have to spend two weeks at the Centre for National Resilience.

“The Gunner Labor Government’s complicated and clumsy mandatory vaccination rollout and lockout measures have caused widespread confusion and has been damaging to Territory business forced to implement the mandate with no industry-specific support for employers.

“We don’t want to see the same confusion and burden on vulnerable students and their families.

“Some principles of the National Code include: Boarding school students are a vulnerable cohort in need of support and special arrangements should be implemented to support their welfare; a class of travel permit should be created for boarding school students and their caregivers to exempt them from restrictions on movement; where quarantine is required, home quarantine should be the priority; and states and Territories should communicate with relevant sector authorities, boarding schools, students and families. “The Gunner Labor Government has publicly endorsed the Code, it’s time to put the wheels in motion and produce policy that supports the principles of the code and supports Territory students,” said Mrs Hersey.