Shadow Minister for Health, Bill Yan, says Territorians are suffering from the Gunner Government’s lack of foresight, lack of spending and lack of action over the past two years to prepare our health system for a COVID outbreak.

“This could have been avoided if Labor had addressed its years-long neglect of our health and hospital system, and in particular widespread bed and staffing shortages.

“Health Minister, Natasha Fyles, needs to admit she can’t oversee the management of the NT’s health system and Howard Springs. The Gunner Government’s primary focus should be on the health needs of Territorians.

“Just days ago, Minister Fyles announced the Gunner Government is pouring up to $160 million into the Centre for National Resilience for facility management, catering services and security. How many nurses could the Territory get for that amount of money?

“As part of the home quarantine pilot review, which is due next week, we’d like to see the Chief Minister evaluate – as a priority – how home quarantine can be made more accessible. This would mean Labor can stop throwing money at Howard Springs.

“This year alone, we’ve seen Royal Darwin Hospital declare four Code Yellow bed blocks, multiple remote clinics shut, and the Gunner Labor Government fail to successfully rollout the COVID vaccination in remote communities – which has resulted in Michael Gunner’s extreme vaccine mandate and left people living in the bush exposed.

“We now have a COVID outbreak in the NT and our health system is struggling to cope with just one hospitalisation, which is evident by widespread cancellation of non-essential surgeries.

Labor needs to explain to Territorians:

  • How many beds are currently prepared and dedicated to accommodating COVID patients in the Northern Territory? Where are they located?
  • How many ICU beds are available for COVID patients in the Northern Territory? Where are they located?
  • How many respirators are available in the Northern Territory? Where are they located?
  • How many negative pressure rooms are available in the Northern Territory? Where are they located?
  • What emergency plans that are underway to improve capacity for additional COVID beds, both in major centres and remote communities?

“The Gunner Government has failed to plan and failed to deliver. Labor would have more money to spend on frontline health workers and essential equipment if Michael Gunner hadn’t maxed out the credit card on pet projects like the $12 million dodgy grandstand deal, and the $35 million payout to teenage criminals,” said Mr Yan.