Shadow Minister for Health, Bill Yan, says the Gunner Government needs to shift its focus from protecting the rights of offenders, to protecting Territorians who are being victimised at disturbing rates – and address the Territory’s shocking rates of alcohol abuse, crime and harm.

“The latest NT crime statistics show, year on year to the end of September, that close to 8,800 people were victims of assault across the Territory, 5,550 domestic violence-related assaults were recorded and there were more than 4,300 alcohol-related assault victims.

“In Darwin, Palmerston and Tennant Creek instances of violent crime are particularly alarming. Domestic violence-related assaults in Palmerston 62%, while alcohol-related attacks have risen 52%. In Darwin, DV-related assaults are up 47%, and sexual assaults increased 50% in Tennant Creek.

“Even in regions that recorded a decrease in assaults, the figures are still alarmingly high. In the last 12 months Katherine recorded a 2% drop in assaults from 603 down to 590, while Alice Springs saw a 5% decrease in alcohol-related assaults from 915 down to 867 victims.

“Labor should not be patting itself on the back over these figures. Our hard-working police are doing everything they can with the inadequate staffing and resources they’ve been given, and are hamstrung by this incompetent Gunner Government. Additional COVID duties forced on our police is exacerbating the problem.

“Police are one of the only agencies combating violence, property offences and chronic alcohol abuse 24/7. It’s time for other government agencies – including Territory Families and Health – to support our police.

“A CLP Government would return Youth Justice to Corrections so that Territory Families can focus on its core function – the care and protection of children. We want Labor to consider our plan to curb recidivist offending: set a presumption against bail for repeat adult and youth offenders, and reinstate breach of bail conditions as an offence for youths – which will have an immediate impact. As part of our alcohol policy reform, a CLP Government would scrap the minimum floor price and launch an immediate review of the Banned Drinker Register.

“Our staggering levels of crime, means we’re struggling to attract people from interstate to live and work here, and our health system is struggling to deal with the impact of violent crime and chronic alcohol abuse,” said Mr Yan.