Leader of the Opposition, Lia Finocchiaro, says the CLP would support Labor’s generous $10,000 bonus for public servants if Michael Gunner could afford it – but he can’t.

“Do public servants deserve this bonus? Absolutely. Private sector workers also deserve a bonus. Sadly, many of them won’t get one because Territory businesses are grappling with the dire state of our economy and fiscal impacts of COVID, courtesy of all-talk no-action Michael Gunner.

“Darwin’s inflation rate is the highest in the nation, which means Territorians are paying more than anywhere else in the country for basics like groceries and rent. The 110,000 Territorians employed in the private sector are shaking their heads at the decision made by a man who is supposed to be the Chief Minister and the Treasurer.

“The CLP supports Langoulant’s plan for budget repair, and would give public servants a pay rise of $1,000 per year. That’s real wages growth complete with superannuation and leave entitlements, which provides security and opportunity.

“Michael Gunner’s offer is nothing more than a four year wage freeze sweetened with a shameless and desperate attempt to buy votes right before Christmas – and distract from his multitude of blunders.

“You can’t take the promise of a bonus to the bank to secure your mortgage. This offer isn’t worth the paper it’s written on. Only wages growth provides long-term security to workers.

We need public servants to put down roots in the Territory and stay here for the long haul – they can’t do that with a four year wages freeze.

“The Chief Minister has once again shown his level of contempt for the public sector. The reality is Michael Gunner hasn’t ‘saved’ any money from the loss of 400 public servants. He was paying for their wages on the credit card. There is no saving or cash windfall because the Territory never had that money in the first place.

“Michael Gunner’s fiscal management is like spending your lottery winnings when you haven’t bought a ticket. On top of that illogical, nonsensical spending rationale, the fact that he is using the loss of 400 workers as an opportunity to redistribute their salaries is crude. 

“At a time when every industry across the Territory, particularly tourism, is on its knees; the NT has been labelled the worst performing economy in the nation for twelve consecutive quarters; Labor has racked up more than $9 billion in debt; no major projects have been delivered since Michael Gunner came to power and his Ministers have recklessly spent taxpayer funds on $35 million payouts to teenage criminals, $12 million for the dodgy grandstand deal, and $4 million for the Myilly Point playground – it’s little wonder this announcement has upset both the public and private sectors.

“Buying public service votes to cover-up his own incompetence is not fiscally responsible or fair on the workers across the Territory, who think Michael Gunner should spend more time growing our economy than firming up his 2024 election hopes,” said Mrs Finocchiaro.

Shadow Minister for Public Employment and Health, Bill Yan, says the Chief Minister should be ashamed of his blatant vote grab ahead of Christmas.

“Just a week ago Michael Gunner was threatening to cut public sector jobs if employees didn’t sign up to his wage freeze. These threats continue but the trinkets are getting bigger.

“This spend of more than $200m over four years is money that could prop up our health system which has been crippled under Labor. Four Code Yellows at Royal Darwin Hospital in less than 12 months and COVID knocking on our door means there is only more chaos and dysfunction to come under the Gunner Government’s failed health policies.

“How can the Chief Minister celebrate losing 65 nurses, 14 police officers and 52 teachers by distributing their wages – when what he should be doing is going out immediately and hiring more. “The dire state of our economy and our crippled health system is a direct result of Michael Gunner’s economic mismanagement and now he’s trying to borrow his way out of it by putting public sector bonuses on the credit card,” said Mr Yan.