The NT News’ report of leaked correspondence between the Australian Education Union and Public Employment Commissioner Vicki Telfer has revealed departmental chief executives are being forced to make cuts to pay for Michael Gunner’s Bogus Bonus.

Shadow Minister for Public Employment, Bill Yan, says: “Michael Gunners bogus bonus will have a devastating impact on Territorians. Michael Gunner has lied straight to the faces of Territorians by saying the bonus would be paid out from savings – we know that is a lie because he currently borrows $4m a day to pay the public service and to keep the lights on. A debt that Territorians have to repay.

“His savings are bogus and so is the bonus. Michael Gunner needs to explain what he is going to cut. By forcing departments to fill the positions and give a $10,000 bonus will mean hundreds of millions of dollars are slashed from service delivery. “The CLP supports the ‘Plan for Budget Repair’ and would give public servants a pay rise of $1,000 per year. That’s real wages growth complete with superannuation and leave entitlements, which provides security and opportunity.”