Leader of the Opposition, Lia Finocchiaro, says new figures showing a staggering number of crimes allegedly committed by youths in just three months proves the Gunner Government’s youth bail reforms are a complete flop.

“Opposition questions submitted through a formal Parliamentary process has revealed 167 youths were charged with almost 400 crimes in the three months to the end of October, 2021.

“Of those 167 youths, 79 were already on bail at the time they were apprehended. That means almost half of youths apprehended were allegedly repeat offenders. This is deplorable. What more does Labor need to finally realise its youth justice system is broken and this government has failed Territorians – particularly victims of crime?” said Mrs Finocchiaro.

Shadow Minister for Territory Families, Joshua Burgoyne, says the fact that 20 youths apprehended whilst on bail were granted bail again, is a clear indication that the Gunner Government’s ‘catch and release’ youth justice laws just aren’t working.

“Labor’s youth justice laws are creating more victims. Year on year to the end of September 2021, violent crime is up close to 20 percent across the Territory, while property crime has increased more than 15 percent. It’s just not good enough and Territorians deserve better.

“Police can’t arrest their way out the youth crime crisis, so why are police one of the only government agencies combating these issues 24/7? Where is Territory Families? We know the Territory Families Minister is overwhelmed dealing with youth justice, in addition to the care and protection of children.

“That’s why a CLP Government would return youth justice to Corrections so that Territory Families can focus on its core function – the care and protection of children so they don’t end up in the youth justice system in the first place. The CLP would also make sure that repeat youth offenders start with a position of no bail and undertake mandatory community services, as well as establishing a purpose-built ‘Sentenced to a Skill’ boot camp,” said Mr Burgoyne.