Shadow Minister for Small Business, Marie-Clare Boothby, says Labor has been forced into an embarrassing backflip from the impractical and unworkable post-December 20 measures announced by the Chief Minister last week – but the damage has been done for many tourism operators across the Territory.

“We welcome these changes – but calling them ‘modest’ is just a desperate attempt by Labor to minimise how big a blunder the initial plan was. We won’t forget and neither will Territorians.

“If the Gunner Government had bothered consulting with the tourism and hospitality sector, farmers and Territory boarding students and their families BEFORE last week’s shock announcement, Labor wouldn’t have to concede it totally stuffed this up.

“The Acting Chief Minister, Nicole Manison, refused to acknowledge damage this has done to Territory businesses. Labor should apologise to the thousands of Territorians who have already cancelled their plans for Christmas, and the businesses who had the rug pulled out from under them.

“It’s encouraging to see common sense finally prevail, but the tourism and hospitality industry has already suffered tens of thousands of dollars damage in cancelled bookings because of the Gunner Government’s initial announcement.

“Michael Gunner’s snap decision to shift the goal posts will have lasting damage to Territory small businesses. The Chief Minister was absolutely reckless to make last week’s announcement without any consultation. Now, he’s scurried off on holidays and left Natasha Fyles and Nicole Manison to mop up his mess.

“Was the original post-December 20 plan the best health advice, or poor policy from an incompetent Chief Minister who apparently cares more about scheduling major announcements around his annual leave, than consulting with the Territorians?” said Ms Boothby.