Leader of the Opposition, Lia Finocchiaro, says Michael Gunner has treated every public servant with contempt and now he’s facing the backlash.

“Already, public servants at Power and Water and Jacana Energy have shunned Michael Gunner’s bonus – which isn’t tied to wages and is taxable.

“They know this offer is nothing more than a four year wage freeze sweetened with a shameless and desperate attempt to buy votes right before Christmas – and distract from Labor’s multitude of blunders.

“The Chief Minister was hoping public servants wouldn’t see through his dodgy plan. He wants the public sector to keep doing the same job, for the same wage, despite the fact Darwin has the highest cost of living expenses in the country – compared with other capital cities.

“Worse still, he’s making departments find the funds for this bogus bonus from their bottom line. There are no savings from the 400 sacked workers Michael Gunner claimed was propping up this offer – because he was using the credit card to pay for their wages.

“The CLP supports Langoulant’s ‘Plan for Budget Repair’ – which the Chief Minister has already thrown in the bin. That would give public servants a salary increase of $1,000 per year. That’s real wages growth complete with superannuation and leave entitlements, which provides security and opportunity.

“The remaining public sector workers have until tomorrow morning to cast their vote and unions are urging their members to reject this deal. NT workers see this bogus bonus for what it is: a bribe to distract from constant failures of this incompetent, scandal-plagued Gunner Labor Government,” said Mrs Finocchiaro.