Leader of the Opposition, Lia Finocchiaro, says our overworked and under resourced police are bearing the brunt of Labor’s failed law and order policies, with the latest crime statistics showing a shameful upwards trend in violent crime, right across the Territory.

“The figures show, year on year to the end of October that: 8,839 people were the victim of assault which is up 17% compared with the previous year, there were 5,580 domestic-violence victims which is a 20%  increase, and there were 4,390 alcohol-related attacks which is up 13% Territory-wide.

“It’s time for other government agencies – including Territory Families and Health – to step up and help combat these staggering levels of violence, property offences and chronic alcohol abuse. Police can’t continue to do the heavy lifting on their own.

“Domestic violence rates in Palmerston have increased by 59%, in Darwin DV assaults are up 42%, and have increased 19% in Tennant Creek.

“Alice Springs has been hit particularly hard by property crime, with commercial break-ins up 51% and house break-ins increasing by 29% to 797 in just 12 months. House break-ins in Tennant Creek have skyrocketed 113%.

“Katherine is one of the only major centres that has recorded a decrease in assaults, falling 5% from 632 down to 591, while motor vehicle theft has risen 70%.

“The Territory’s shocking levels of crime under Labor are having a widespread impact. We’re struggling to attract and retain people from interstate to live and work in the Territory, while our crippled health system grapples with the ongoing impact of violent crime and chronic alcohol abuse.

“It’s not good enough and Territorians deserve better. “A CLP Government will deal with recidivist offending by setting a presumption against bail for repeat adult and youth offenders, and reinstate breach of bail conditions as an offence for youths – which will have an immediate impact. We want to see youth justice returned to Corrections so that Territory Families can focus on its core function – the care and protection of children. As part of our alcohol policy reform, a CLP Government would scrap the minimum floor price and launch an immediate review of the Banned Drinker Register,” said Mrs Finocchiaro.