Leader of the Opposition, Lia Finocchiaro, says it’s disgraceful that the Gunner Government is still failing to be open and transparent about where they are spending Territory taxpayers’ money, according to the latest Buy Local Plan Compliance Report.

“In 2016 Michael Gunner took his plan for open and transparent government to Territorians and promised them that there would be change. Instead, for five long years, Territorians have had to watch Michael Gunner erode every single scrutiny measure that could expose his government for what it really is – a sham.

“On Michael Gunner’s watch there have been government wide cuts to transparency – he abolished legislative scrutiny committees, cancelled Wednesday non-government only question time, cancelled three days of Parliament, changed the rules of Parliament to suit himself, manipulated FOI processes, bans media outlets from press conferences, covers-up scandals and ICAC investigations – and they are just the cuts we know about.

“Now we have Buy Local Advocate Denys Stedman calling out the Government for its total failure to shine a light on the procurement process and Michael Gunner has nothing to say.

“When will Michael Gunner realise he is spending Territorians’ money – not his – and people deserve to know that it is being spent in the public interest. The $12m dodgy grandstand deal has rattled confidence in the Gunner Government’s procurement processes to its core.

“Buy Local Advocate Denys Stedman for the 4th consecutive year has concluded the lack of information around procurement means he cannot assess if the Gunner Government’s Buy Local Plan has made any positive impact on Territory business.

“Not only that, but we’re five years in and Labor has failed to deliver the promised ‘Value for Territory Assessment Framework’.

“Territorians have no doubt the Buy Local report will be thrown in the bin which leads to Michael Gunner’s bottomless pit that goes down to where all reports flagging bad news are incinerated.

“Territorians know that Michael Gunner has something to hide – and clearly the Gunner Government doesn’t want Territorians to know how much of their money is being funnelled interstate. 

“The CLP has a clear position on Buy Local in stark contrast to Labor who pay lip service to Territory business.

“If I was Chief Minister, I would immediately move to:

  • Increase the powers of the Buy Local Advocate
  • Mandate action from Government to reports of the Buy Local Advocate
  • Standardise the criteria for determining “local content”
  • Reinstate the Local Benefit Advisory Panel

“Michael Gunner wouldn’t recognise transparency if it was looking him in the face. It’s just not good enough and Territorians deserve better,” Mrs Finocchiaro said.