Shadow Health Minister, Bill Yan said Michael Gunner’s mismanagement in handling COVID in the Territory is a disgrace.

“Today’s announcement that the Gunner Labor Government has not informed any Territorians if they have been in an exposure site for up to 10 days is unacceptable.

“They have stopped listing exposure sites on the website before verifying that the text messages were functioning as planned and this puts Territorians lives further at risk.

“The Chief Minister and Health Minister continue to emphasise how important it is for every Territorian to do the right thing and check-in everywhere they go, but can’t be bothered to check up on their own system for over a week.

“Today’s press conference raises many more unanswered questions. Why didn’t the Government advise us of who will be contacted from 3pm today? Are they people who were exposed over a week ago? How many Territorians have been exposed that should have received text messages?

“This is Emergency Management 101 and any apology is a hollow one if there is still information missing.

“It’s yet another example of the COVID chaos that the Gunner Government continues to inflict upon Territorians.

“The health system is in crisis with hospital staffing issues, four code yellow bed shortages, remote clinic closures and the cancellation of surgeries.

“The Gunner Government has known that COVID was coming to the Territory for two years. That’s two years to prepare.

“Michael Gunner, Nicole Manison and Natasha Fyles are all implicated in this latest fiasco and should resign for their incompetence and mismanagement of the whole situation.

“It’s just not good enough and Territorians deserve better.” said Mr Yan.