Deputy Leader of the Opposition, Gerard Maley, says the latest NT crime statistics have been released and they reflect the Gunner Government’s continued inaction and incompetence when it comes to protecting Territorians and tackling crime.

“The latest stats show that crime against the person are up by 12% year on year and crime against property are up by 18% across the Territory. Commercial break-ins alone are up by a whopping 26% with 2100 of these offences occurring in the year leading to December 2021. This is disgraceful.

“In Alice Springs house break-ins are up by 30% and commercial break-ins up by 68%.

“In Palmerston assaults and commercial break-ins are up 40% each, alcohol related assault up by 49% and domestic violence related assaults up by 57%.

“These statistics are alarming and illustrate what Territorians already know – that the Gunner Government is failing in its attempts to deal with crime.

“It’s appalling and beyond a joke.

“Top local business operators are considering packing up and moving. It makes no sense to continue trading when the cost of insurance, repairing damage, replacing stock and increasing security is making their businesses unviable.

“We see businesses all over the Territory suffering as they deal with break-ins, theft and violence. We see customers in our shopping centres assaulted. We see repeated violence on our buses, putting drivers and passengers at risk. We see homes being targeted and Territorians feeling unsafe.

“The Gunner Government has to stop pretending they are doing a good job and actually start protecting our businesses and our community. The measures they are taking are clearly not working regardless of the way they spin it.

“Territorians are not fools and they are sick and tired of being treated that way and living in fear.

“Enough is enough.” said Mr Maley.