Deputy Leader of the Opposition, Gerard Maley, says the latest State of the States report which labels the Northern Territory the worst performing economy in the nation for the thirteenth consecutive quarter, proves the Chief Minister has completely failed as Treasurer.

“That’s thirteen quarters of fiscal failures by this incompetent Gunner Labor Government.

“Independent economists have ranked the Territory, under the leadership of Michael Gunner, the weakest economy compared to all other jurisdictions. The Territory recorded the slowest economic growth, was 56.7% below the decade-average for construction work, and is the weakest in the country for dwelling starts.

“The cost of living for Territorians is still the highest in the nation, with Darwin’s inflation sitting at 5.9% in the September quarter. That means Territorians are paying more for things like groceries, rent, and family activities than any other capital city.

“Michael Gunner has done absolutely nothing to rein in out-of-control spending or implement real measures to attract private investment and kick-start our struggling economy. All he’s done is appoint three Commissioners with no legislative powers and no teeth – which are costing taxpayers more than a million dollars annually, just in salaries.

“The Territory’s debt, under the Gunner Labor Government, has spiralled to $9 billion and is growing bigger every day with Labor’s frivolous spending of taxpayer’s money on $12 million dodgy grandstand deals, $35 million payouts to teenage criminals, $3 million shadeless shade structures and $4 million playgrounds.

“Labor’s sensational fiscal mismanagement is putting crippling pressure on the household budgets of Territorians through increased cost of living and is threatening jobs. The Gunner Government has brought the NT’s economy to its knees and Territorians are paying the price.

“The CLP has a plan to resurrect our economy by cutting red tape through an Approvals Fast-Track Taskforce, establishing a Territory Coordinator to facilitate private investment and reform the way projects of economic significance are supported, and give certainty to the mining industry by moving away from Labor’s complicated hybrid mining tax model,” said Mr Maley.