Opposition Leader Lia Finocchiaro has slammed the Gunner Labor Government for allowing crime to increase to unsustainably high levels since coming to Government.

“An analysis of crime data clearly shows that since Labor have been in power, crime has skyrocketed with no end in sight.

“The Gunner Government must outline its short, medium and long-term plan to tackle crime, because continuing to do nothing, is just not good enough.” “Labor has overseen a law and order crisis, which it has created through failed youth justice, Territory Families, alcohol and education policies. Michael Gunner continues to bury his head in the sand and while he does, thousands of Territorians every single year are being broken into, bashed, robbed and killed.

“Commercial break-ins are up 33.2% since 2015, which is costing Territory businesses often hundreds of thousands of dollars in repairs and reinforcements – that’s before you factor in lost sleep, lost time, higher insurance premiums, lost trade and anguish.

“Territorians are being violated with home break-ins up an astronomical 51% under Labor with many families fearing for their children’s safety while they sleep.

“Shops, homes, sporting facilities, places of worship, schools – they are all under attack.

“Domestic violence has shamefully increased 38.6% – that is 1535 more instances of abuse and trauma than just a few years ago.

“People are at breaking point, businesses are closing, people are leaving the Territory, our police are stretched to the limit and leaving the force, and not enough is being done by the Gunner Government to stop crimes from happening in the first place.

“Territorians want the Gunner Labor Government to acknowledge the severity of the crime crisis, be accountable for their inaction and take urgent action to combat what is an escalating crime crisis across the Territory. They want to see a plan.

“The CLP would address community safety and repeat offending as a first priority:

• Our number one policy is to put the rights of victims above the rights of offenders and provide better victim support. We are horrified that the Gunner Government will give $35m to youth offenders without even making them pay for their crimes.

• We have proactively brought our own legislation into parliament to: make breach of bail condition an offence and have a presumption against bail for repeat offenders. This was gunned down by Labor. We have also fought against their watering down of youth justice legislation which has led to this mess of young people being above the law.

• We would take the control of Youth Justice out of Territory Families and put it in Corrections so there is proper custodial oversight of offenders.

• The Police portfolio would sit with me as Chief Minister because community safety is the highest priority. Police resourcing must be sorted.

• We would create ‘sentenced to a skill’ boot camp to ensure offenders are given the opportunity to learn a skill to get them work ready.

• Tackle alcohol and drug abuse through rehabilitation programs both inside and outside correctional facilities.

• Bring back truancy officers to clamp down on non-attendance at school.

• Put in place mandatory community service so that there is an immediate consequence for every crime.

• Will not raise the criminal age of responsibility or abolish mandatory sentencing.” said Mrs Finocchiaro.