Deputy Leader of the Opposition, Gerard Maley, says the Minister for Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics must immediately stand down while the Independent Commissioner Against Corruption investigates issues of non-compliance at TIO Stadium.

“Confirmation of the ICAC probe comes after Minister Lawler took the extraordinary step of making a Ministerial Declaration to exempt the TIO Stadium Grandstand from operating without an occupancy permit.

“The Minister needs to explain what advice her department has provided to trigger this decision – and stand down while the anti-corruption Commissioner investigates.

“Eva Lawler cannot continue to hold the position of Minister while an investigation is underway and should immediately step aside.

“Former NSW Premier, Gladys Berejiklian, resigned an hour after the ICAC announced she was under investigation, Minister Lawler should do the same.

“Back in August 2020, NT Labor admitted TIO stadium did not have an occupancy permit and the Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics has been scrambling to fix the issue ever since.

“TIO Stadium is a significant sporting facility and must be held to the highest safety standards.

“Did the Minister make her declaration after being notified ICAC was investigated? Did she make the declaration because she realised it’s too difficult to rectify the non-compliance at TIO Stadium?

“Did the Minister make the declaration because her government is $9 billion in debt and can’t afford to fix the issues?

“What message does this send to private developers in the Territory – who have to comply with the Building Act, and are not in a position to exempt themselves – when the government can’t even comply with its own legislation?

“Eva Lawler is the Minister. Eva Lawler is responsible for the department. Eva Lawler made the Ministerial Declaration. Eva Lawler should stand down,” said Mr Maley.