Leader of the Opposition, Lia Finocchiaro, says the next fortnight of parliamentary sittings will be an important opportunity to hold the scandal-plagued Gunner Government to account on a number of serious issues including: transparency on COVID decisions, Labor’s crime crisis, and the fallout from the Constable Zach Rolfe verdict.

“The CLP is ramping up calls for an independent Commission of Inquiry under the Inquiries Act 1945 (NT) to look at the four days between the shooting and the decision to charge Constable Rolfe, including the appearance of political influence.

“Michael Gunner has already labelled Territorians who support an independent inquiry ‘conspiracy nuts’. The Chief Minister’s refusal to support an inquiry only raises more questions around the appearance of political interference, after he promised the residents of Yuendumu, just days after the shooting, that ‘consequences will flow’.

“The CLP is introducing a Bill to ensure regular reporting from the Chief Health Officer (CHO) to Territorians. This needs to happen through a formal parliamentary process, not ad hoc media appearances.

“In response, we’ve seen a government so desperate to cling to its unprecedented COVID controls, instead of simply adopting the Opposition’s plan – which has widespread support from peak medical bodies, to tourism, hospitality, and small business – it’s moving to legislate extraordinary powers for the Chief Health Officer for another two years. This couldn’t be further from open, accountable and transparent governance,” said Mrs Finocchiaro.

Shadow Minister for Territory Families and Opposition Whip, Joshua Burgoyne, says the CLP will be pressing Labor on its short, medium and long-term plans to address the Territory’s crime crisis.

“The Chief Minister cannot continue to sit idly by as Territorians are robbed, bashed, brutalised and victimised at unsustainable rates. What are Labor’s plans to address critical policy failures in education, addressing alcohol abuse, health, failing to properly resource our police, as well as housing?” said Mr Burgoyne.