Shadow Minister for Health, Bill Yan, says the Gunner Labor Government’s proposed changes to grant the Chief Health Officer (CHO) extraordinary and unfettered power for another two years, and to severely water down accountability, is a deliberate and blatant attempt to retain as much control as possible while avoiding all scrutiny – until after the next election.

“We were only provided a copy of the Government’s legislation, for the first time, just before midday today – and already we can see it for what it really is: extreme control with no accountability.

“The powers being granted to the Chief Health Officer are nearly identical to the ones he has now. It is unprecedented and extremely dangerous for a Government to give an unelected official that kind of power, for such a long period of time, when the Territory will no longer be in a state of emergency. There is a reason that level of power is reserved for the most extraordinary emergencies.

“The Health Minister is also watering down the existing, inadequate reporting provisions by the CHO – even more. Under the Government’s new legislation, Labor is also removing the requirement for the CHO to give a detailed report to Parliament – at all.

“The CHO will only have to provide a “summary” to the Minister at the end of the state of emergency, and another “summary” at the end of the CHO’s extended powers, two years after the state of emergency has ended which is after the next election in 2024.

“The CLP also has serious concerns about the search and seize powers, without a warrant, granted to the CHO. These are extraordinary powers, normally reserved for police.

“The reason the Gunner Government has introduced these overreaching laws is simple:

  • To distract from the fallout from the Rolfe verdict; and
  • To avoid critical scrutiny over how it has implemented the CHO’s health advice.

“These proposed amendments scrap any resemblance of accountability and do absolutely nothing to restore public confidence in the Gunner Labor Government’s ability to be open and transparent with Territorians,” said Mr Yan.