Leader of the Opposition, Lia Finocchiaro, says Labor’s announcement that Ministers in the Gunner Government are getting new job titles proves Michael Gunner has his priorities all wrong and is more focused on a media announcement than actually fixing the Territory’s economic woes.

“You could be forgiven for thinking this is a belated April Fool’s Day joke.

“Territorians want Labor to take real action to cut red tape, attract private investment and kick-start the economy, instead its Ministers are busy workshopping new job titles.

“New job titles won’t change the fact the NT is the worst performing economy for the thirteenth consecutive quarter, according to CommSec’s State of the States report.

“New job titles won’t change the fact Botswana and Chile are more attractive to mining investors than the Northern Territory.

“New job titles won’t change the fact Labor has racked up $9 billion worth of debt with nothing to show except a $12 million grandstand, a playground at Myilly Point and a shadeless shade structure.

“The three Commissioners appointed by Labor last year: Investment, Infrastructure and Major Projects, have no legislative powers and no teeth – and cost taxpayers around $1 million annually just in salaries. In fact, not a single major project has been delivered since Labor came to government almost six years ago.    

“Project Sea Dragon has just bitten the dust, Landbridge saw the writing on the wall and abandoned its six-star luxury hotel – how many more casualties of the Gunner Labor Government will there be?

“A CLP Government would implement an Approvals Fast-Track Taskforce to ease the regulatory burden on business and industry, introduce a Territory Coordinator to facilitate private investment and reform the way significant economic projects are supported; and move away from the complicated hybrid mining tax model and implement an ad valorem regime.

“Labor needs to stop worrying about changing the letterhead and get on with the job of actually governing. Territorians deserve much better,” said Mrs Finocchiaro.