Shadow Minister for Health, Bill Yan, says Territorians aren’t fooled by the Labor Government’s blatant attempt to retain as much control as possible while avoiding all scrutiny.

Yesterday the Leader of the Opposition tabled a petition with 4268 signatures against the Labor Government’s Public and Environmental Health Legislation Amendment Bill 2022, which grants the Chief Health Officer (CHO) unfettered power for another two years while watering down accountability.

“The CLP does not believe that an unelected official should have two more years of power when the Territory will no longer be in a state of emergency. We want to strengthen, not water down the CHOs reporting provisions, and we also have serious concerns about the search and seize powers, without a warrant, granted to the CHO.

“If the CHO needs power, the Labor Government should justify extending the state of emergency every three months. If the Government can’t do that, then the CHO’s powers need to end with the state of emergency.

“Territorians deserve to know the reasoning behind the decisions that are being made and that are affecting their daily lives.

“Territorians have signed this petition because they are confused as to why, when all other jurisdictions are preparing to exit the pandemic, the Territory is extending the state of emergency for a further two years without any justification.

“The CLP is listening to Territorians, and will not be supporting this Bill,” said Mr Yan.

In contrast to Labor’s dodgy extension of emergency powers, there is widespread industry and public support for the CLP’s legislation which will ensure regular reporting from the CHO to Territorians. Both Bills are expected to be debated during the May Sittings.